IISER BS – MS Admission 2021 Aptitude Test (IAT) – Notification, Online Application, Important Dates

IISER BS MS Admission Aptitude Test Adhikary Education
IISER BS – MS Admission 2021 Aptitude Test (IAT) – Notification, Online Application, Important Dates
IISER Admission 2021 to BS, BS-MS dual degree programmes will be through KVPY fellowship, JEE Advanced, and IAT 2021. 

IISER Aptitude Test (IAT) : Friday, 17 September, 2021


Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) at have begun the online application process for admission to BS and BS-MS dual degree programmes.

To promote high-quality science education, research, and training, Government of India has set up seven Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISERs) at Berhampur, Bhopal, Kolkata, Mohali, Pune, Thiruvananthapuram, and Tirupati.


Degree Programmes

  • BS-MS (Dual Degree)

It is a five-year degree program for bright and motivated science students who have passed class 10+2 or equivalent. Most IISERs offer BS-MS (Dual Degree) in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics. Earth and Environmental Sciences is available at select IISERs. 

The BS-MS program integrates classroom learning with research and provides ample scope for multidisciplinary interactions. The program consists of core courses in basic sciences and specialization in chosen subjects along with an MS research project. This program enables students to pursue careers in academia, R&D institutes, and industries.

Additionally, IISER Bhopal offers four year BS programmes in EconomicSciences. 



Candidates who have passed 10+2 or equivalent level exam with science stream in 2020 or 2021 from any board recognized by Council of Boards of School Education in India (COBSE) and have scored within the category-wise cut-off are eligible to apply for admissions to IISER only through the following three channels:

  1. Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) channel
  2. Joint Entrance Examination (JEE-Advanced) of the Indian Institutes of Technology
  3. State and Central Boards Channel (SCB)

These channels will be referred to as KVPY, JEE, and SCB, respectively.

Indian nationals and students belonging to PIO or OCI category are eligible to apply provided they satisfy the eligibility criteria described below.

KVPY Channel

Candidates having a valid KVPY fellowship commencing from 2021-22 academic session are eligible to apply for admissions. Additional cut-off criteria for marks obtained in 10+2 board examination is also applicable.

JEE-Advanced Channel

Candidates securing a rank within 15000 in the Common Rank List (CRL) of JEE Advanced 2021 are eligible to apply. For candidates belonging to the reserved category (OBC-NCL, SC, ST, PwD, EWS), their rank should be within 15000. Additional cut-off criteria for marks obtained in 10+2 board examination is also applicable.

SCB Channel

  • Students who have passed 10+2 level with science stream in 2020 or 2021, from any board recognized by COBSE, are eligible to apply for admissions and appear for IAT 2021.
  • However, they will be considered for admissions to the degree programmes only if they obtain the cut-off marks specified.
  • Students applying through SCB channel will have to appear in the IISER Aptitude Test (IAT) which will be conducted at various centres across the country.


Tentative dates for online application under various streams.

1. Date of the IISER Aptitude test : 17 September, 2021

2. Date of opening of the application portal for the KVPY stream : 1 July, 2021

3. Date of closing of the application portal for the KVPY stream : 31 August, 2021

4. Date of opening of the application portal for the SCB stream : 1 July, 2021

5. Date of closing of the application portal for the SCB stream : 31 August, 2021

6. Date of opening of the application portal for the JEE stream : TBA

7. Date of closing of the application portal for the JEE stream : TBA

Click here for all Important Dates


Online Application to IISER

Online application portal is now open for KVPY and SCB channels. Last date for these channels: 31st August 2021.

Application process involves the following two steps: Registration and Application. Once the ‘Registration’ is complete, you can proceed for the ‘Application’.

[Link for the Registration]

[Link for the Application]


Cut-off marks

Category-wise cut-off marks (out of 500) for class 10+2 examination for different State and Central Boards. Candidates who appeared for the class 12th examination from different boards must have scored the cutoff marks out of 500 (in 12th) as per their category & board mentioned in the table below.

IISER Cutoff Marks 2021

BOARDS/COUNCILS Cut-off marks (out of 500) for IISERs admission 2021
Central Board Of Sec. Edu. (CBSE), New Delhi 427 416 396 376 376
Board Of Intermediate Education (Andhra Pradesh) 468 464 450 446 446
Assam Higher Secondary Education Council 362 360 348 317 317
Aligarh Muslim University Board Of

Secondary & Sr. Sec. Education, Aligarh

406 406 409 406 406
Bihar School Examination Board, Patna 319 315 304 310 304
Council For The Indian School Certificate Examinations, Delhi 440 424 413 376 376
Goa Board Of Sec. And Higher Sec. Education 370 356 347 351 347
Gujarat Sec. And Higher Sec. Education Board 361 341 328 306 306
Kerala Board Of Public Examinations 447 423 401 394 394
Board Of Sec. Education, Madhya Pradesh 400 392 377 363 363
Meghalaya Board Of School Education 367 331 344 346 331
Mizoram Board Of School Education 360 369 350 347 347
Nagaland Board Of School Education 360 369 348 330 330
Punjab School Education Board 386 388 375 366 366
Telangana State Board Of Intermediate Education, Nampally, Hyderabad 467 464 453 457 453
Tripura Board Of Secondary Education 354 354 343 309 309
Maharashtra State Board Of Secondary and Higher Education 345 346 328 319 319
U.P. Board Of High School & Intermediate Education, U. P. 342 332 322 319 319
Board Of Secondary Education Rajasthan 393 394 377 370 370
Himachal Pradesh Board Of School Education Dharamshala, H. P. 401 389 387 388 387
Board Of School Education Haryana, Bhiwani 407 398 382 348 348
Council Of Higher Sec. Education, Manipur 311 320 311 302 302
Govt. Of Karnataka Dept. Of Pre-University Education, Karnataka 449 428 403 409 403
Council Of Higher Sec. Education, Odisha 323 323 292 271 271
Chhattisgarh Board Of Secondary Education 378 381 361 359 359
Jharkhand Academic Council, Ranchi 320 326 307 302 302
Jammu & Kashmir State Board Of School Education 395 383 341 328 328
Visva‐Bharati 379 382 386 386 379
Uttarakhand Board of School Education 316 311 297 293 293
West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education 348 353 328 294 294
Tamil Nadu Board of Higher Secondary Education 437 437 433 415 415
National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) 341 328 325 326 325



Syllabus for the IISER aptitude test is given below. The syllabus generally follows the NCERT syllabus for classes XI and XII. You can find some sample question papers here


  1. Sets
  2. Relations and functions
  3. Trigonometric Functions
  4. Inverse Trigonometric Functions
  5. Principle of Mathematical Induction
  6. Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations
  7. Linear Inequalities
  8. Permutations and Combinations
  9. Binomial Theorem
  10. Sequences and Series
  11. Straight Lines
  12. Conic Sections
  13. Introduction to Three Dimensional Geometry
  14. Limits and Derivatives
  15. Mathematical Reasoning
  16. Statistics
  17. Probability
  18. Matrices
  19. Determinants
  20. Continuity and Differentiability
  21. Application of Derivatives
  22. Integrals
  23. Applications of integrals
  24. Differential equations
  25. Vectors
  26. Three dimensional geometry
  27. Linear Programming


  1. Physical World and Measurement
  2. Kinematics
  3. Laws of Motion
  4. Work, Energy and Power
  5. Motion of Systems of Particles and Rigid body
  6. Gravitation
  7. Properties of bulk matter
  8. Thermodynamics
  9. Behavior of perfect gas and kinetic energy
  10. Oscillations
  11. Waves
  12. Electrostatics
  13. Current Electricity
  14. Magnetic effect of current and magnetism
  15. Electromagnetic Induction
  16. Alternating Current
  17. Electromagnetic Waves
  18. Optics
  19. Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter
  20. Atoms
  21. Nuclei
  22. Electronic devices
  23. Communication Systems


  1. Some Basic Concept of Chemistry
  2. Structure of Atom
  3. Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
  4. Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
  5. States of Matter
  6. Thermodynamics
  7. Equilibrium
  8. Redox Reactions
  9. Hydrogen
  10. The s-block Elements
  11. The p-block Elements
  12. Organic Chemistry – Some Basic Principles and Techniques
  13. Hydrocarbons
  14. Environmental Chemistry
  15. The solid state
  16. Solutions
  17. Electrochemistry
  18. Chemical Kinetics
  19. Surface chemistry
  20. General principles and processes of isolation of elements
  21. The p-block elements
  22. The d- & f-block elements
  23. Coordination compounds
  24. Haloalkanes and haloarenes
  25. Alcohols, phenols and ethers
  26. Aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acids
  27. Organic compounds containing nitrogens
  28. Biomolecules
  29. Polymers
  30. Chemistry in everyday life


  1. Diversity in the living world
  2. Structural organization in animals and plants
  3. Cell structure and function
  4. Plant physiology
  5. Human physiology
  6. Reproduction
  7. Genetics and evolution
  8. Biology and human welfare
  9. Biotechnology and its application
  10. Ecology and environment

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