List of Borrowed Features of Indian Constitution – Polity Notes for APSC Exam

List of Borrowed Features of Indian Constitution – Polity Notes for APSC Exam

List of Borrowed Features of Indian Constitution

Polity Notes for APSC, UPSC & State exams

Many provisions of the Indian Constitution are borrowed from well-established provisions found in the constitutions of various countries. Framers of our constitution did change the provisions to suit India’s scenario and subject.

Some of the important borrowed provisions are provided below.


  1. Parliamentary government
  2. Rule of Law
  3. Legislative procedure
  4. Single citizenship
  5. Cabinet system
  6. Prerogative writs
  7. Parliamentary privileges
  8. Bicameralism



  1. Directive Principles of State Policy
  2. Method of Election of the president
  3. Members nomination to the Rajya Sabha by the President


Unites States of America

  1. Impeachment of the president
  2. Functions of president and vice-president
  3. Removal of Supreme Court and High court judges
  4. Fundamental Rights
  5. Judicial review
  6. Independence of judiciary
  7. The preamble of the constitution



  1. Centrifugal form of federalism where the centre is stronger than the states.
  2. Residuary powers vest with the centre
  3. Centre appoints the Governors at the states
  4. Advisory jurisdiction of the Supreme Court



  1. Concept of Concurrent list
  2. Joint sitting of the two houses
  3. Freedom of trade and commerce



  1. Fundamental duties
  2. The ideals of justice (social, economic and political), expressed in the Preamble.



  1. Concept of “Republic”
  2. Ideals of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity(contained in the Preamble)



  1. Fundamental Rights are suspended during Emergency


South Africa

  1. Election of members of the Rajya Sabha
  2. Amendment of the Constitution



  1. Concept of “procedure established by Law”


Borrowed features of Indian Constitution are as follows:

Government of India Act of 1935

  1. Federal Scheme
  2. Office of governor
  3. Judiciary
  4. Public Service Commissions
  5. Emergency provisions
  6. Administrative details

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