Best Online Learning Education websites – List of Online Courses websites

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Best Online Learning Education websites – List of Online Courses websites

Delivery of education & knowledge is changing fast. Online e-learning websites & Apps like platforms are increasingly like never before. If you wish to improve knowledge in almost any areas, be it related to Technolgy & IT, Business & management or Arts & Huminities; you can find an online course in somewhere. The number of e-Learning Systems (LMS) isn’t just increasing dramatically, but also in the quality, reach, and value of courses, with multiple business models and opportunities.  

Even Govt of India started for online delivery of courses created under the the National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) was initiated by seven Indian Institutes of Technology (Bombay, Delhi, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras, Guwahati and Roorkee) along with the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 2003.

Online education comes with various advantages to offer. It has been a boon for working class people. It gives immense flexibility to the participants in terms to what to study, when to study and only generally comes much economical. Learning provision can be tailored to outcomes specific to the individual. The obvious advantage here is that students can adjust the course pace as per their own choice.

Online platforms also gives  the course creator a wider potential audience base, which can’t be feasible in conventional classroom delivery methods. The ability to use an LMS not only offers potential efficiencies, but also cost savings, too.


Best Online Learning websites



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