Assam Current Affairs and GK Quiz – Set 145: May 13-15, 2019
Assam Current Affairs & GK Quiz – Set 145 : May 13 - 15, 2019

( Daily and Monthly Assam Current Affairs & GK Quiz & MCQ for APSC Exams and various Assam exams)

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Current Affairs Assam Quiz - Assam exam

Q1. Which fintech start-up company has launched India’s first UPI Bahi Khata for Merchants?

Q2. India’s Smallest Orchids “Lecanorchis Taiwaniana” discovered in which of the following states?

Q3. Which mountain pass has been opened for the 14th edition of Sino-Indian(China-India) border trade?

Q4. Who among the following has been awarded with the 2019 McCain Institute Award for Courage and Leadership?

Q5. The Supreme Court has recently upheld validity of which state government’s law for granting reservations in promotion for SC and ST?

Q6. Where was the new vine snake species named ‘Ahaetulla Laudankia’ found in India after 113 years? 

Q7. Which among the following countries participated in the naval exercise ‘Group Sail’ in the disputed South China Sea?

Q8. India’s newest pit viper has recently found in which of the following states?

Q9. Which country will host the fifth Army International Scout Masters Competition for the first time, a part of International Army Games?

Q10. Who among the following has clinched the 2019 men's singles title at the Barcelona Open Tennis tournament?

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