Assam Current Affairs and GK Quiz – Set 214: December 10-12, 2019
Assam Current Affairs & GK Quiz – Set 214 : December 10 - 12, 2019

( Daily and Monthly Assam Current Affairs & GK Quiz & MCQ for APSC Exams and various Assam exams)

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Current Affairs Assam Quiz - Assam exam

Q1. Who among the following has been conferred with Asom Natya Sanmilan award 2019?

Q2. Samsung India recently inaugurated an innovation lab in which IIT?

Q3. Abanindranath Tagore’s Book ‘Nalak’ featuring the journey of life of Gautama Buddha was translated into English by whom?

Q4. Name the initiative introduced by the Govt of India, which aims to promote education among rural and tribal children?

Q5. How many years of compliance will be given to remove the hazardous material for existing ships according to the “Recycling of Ships Bill 2019”?

Q6. Who has been recently selected for ‘Gangadhar National Award’ 2019?

Q7. What is the rank of India in the 2019 Climate Change Performance Index?

Q8. The Constitution (126th) Amendment Bill proposes to extend the reservation quota for SCs and STs in in Lok Sabha and state assemblies by how many years?

Q9. When is the international Human Rights Day observed every year?

Q10. Which state government has won the ‘World Habitat Award’ global recognition for its ambitious initiative - Jaga Mission?

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