Assam Current Affairs and GK Quiz – Set 223: January 07-09, 2020


Assam Current Affairs & GK Quiz – Set 223 : January 07 - 09, 2020

( Daily and Monthly Assam Current Affairs & GK Quiz & MCQ for APSC Exams and various Assam exams)

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Current Affairs Assam Quiz - Assam exam

Q1. Government of which northeastern state has recently announces financial grant to indigenous literary bodies?

Q2 How much fund has been approved by the government for the North East natural gas grid project?

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Q3. Which state will organize the first edition of Zo Kutpui festival 2020 across 10 states in India?

Q4. Who was recently declared as the ‘most famous teenager in the world’ by the United Nations in its 'decade in review'?

Q5. What is India's projected growth rate as per first advance estimates of gross domestic product (GDP) growth for 2019-20?

Q6. What is the annual financial assistance given to eligible farmers under the PM-KISAN scheme?

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Q7. Which country recorded highest number of child births as on 1st January 2020?

Q8. In which state the National Green Corps scheme was revived?

Q9. India will set strict restrictions on non-essential imports from which country?

Q10. The first silk processing plant of the Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) is set up in which state to boost production of Patola sarees?

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