Assam Current Affairs and GK Quiz – Set 59: August 25-27, 2018
Assam Current Affairs & GK Quiz – Set 59 : August 25-27, 2018

( Daily and Monthly Assam Current Affairs & GK Quiz & MCQ for APSC Exams and various Assam exams)

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Current Affairs Assam Quiz - Assam exam

Q1. India has signed $300 million agreement with which of the following organisation for Energy Efficiency Scale-Up Program?

Q2. Where is the headquarters of International Energy Agency (IEA), with which India has recently signed a MoU on increasing innovation for the Clean Energy Transition?

Q3. Which of the following cities held the MOVE: India’s First Global Mobility Summit 2018?

Q4. Presently, the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA) is in enforcement in which of states (partially or entirely)?

Q5. Which country has taken over the chairmanship of the 5th Summit of BIMSTEC?

Q6. Recently, Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 (AFSPA) has been extended in the entire Assam for six more months with immediate effect. Union Home Ministry had delegated the power to impose or withdraw AFSPA in Assam to

Q7. The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has proposed to launch India’s first human spaceflight programme `Gaganyaan’ by which year?

Q8. Swapna Barman, who has become the first Indian heptathlete to win an Asian Games gold, belong to which state?

Q9. Which European country has sanctioned €120 million loan for India’s National Clean Ganga Mission?

Q10. When is the National Sports Day (NSD) celebrated in India, to mark the birth anniversary of Major Dhyan Chand?

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