Assam Current Affairs and GK Quiz – Set 70: September 28-30, 2018

Assam Current Affairs & GK Quiz - Set 70 (Supreme court of India): September 28-30, 2018

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Q1. Who appoints the Chief Justice and other judges of the Supreme Court?

Q2. What is/are the qualifications needed to be appointed as judges of the Supreme Court?

Q3. A judge of the Supreme Court of India can be removed from his office by

Q4. The Federal Court of India, the predecessor of the Supreme Court of India, was established in which year?

Q5. What is the current sanctioned strength of judges of the Supreme Court of India?

Q6. What is the retirement age of Supreme Court of India’s judges?

Q7. When the Supreme Court of India was established?

Q8. Who was the first Chief Justice of India?

Q9. Which Chief Justice of India also acted as President and Vice-President of India?

Q10.  Ranjan Gogoi is serving as the _____ Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of India?

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