Assam Current Affairs and GK Quiz – Set 80: October 28-31, 2018

Assam Current Affairs & GK Quiz - Set 80 (Assam Literature): October 28-31, 2018

( Daily and Monthly Assam Current Affairs & GK Quiz & MCQ for APSC Exams and various Assam exams)

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Current Affairs Assam Quiz - Assam exam

Q1. Who among the following is called “Father of Assamese prose” ?

Q2. Which among the following is the first Assamese-language magazine published?

Q3. ‘Asomiya Lorar Mitra’ is the work of

Q4. “O Mur Apunar Dekh is the state song or state anthem of Assam which was written by

Q5. Which year Oxomiya Bhaxa Unnati Xadhini Xobha was established?

Q6. What was the first modern Assamese play?

Q7. Who among was the first editor of the Assamese periodical, Jonaki?

Q8. Who among the following was known as ‘Upanyas Samrat’ in Assamese Literature?

Q9. Who complied the first Assamese dictionary? 

Q10. Who authored the Ôxômiya Byakôrôn‘ ?

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