Assam Current Affairs and GK Quiz – Set 81: November 01-03, 2018
Assam Current Affairs & GK Quiz – Set 81 : November 01-03, 2018

( Daily and Monthly Assam Current Affairs & GK Quiz & MCQ for APSC Exams and various Assam exams)

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Current Affairs Assam Quiz - Assam exam

Q1. Who among the following has been awarded with RN Borooah and Protiva Borooah memorial journalism awards for the years 2016-2017?

Q2. Recently, which North-Eastern state of India has signed pact with British Council on cultural & educational collaboration?

Q3. Name the Indian sportsperson who has been declared the Best Player of the tournament at the 2018 Asian Men’s Hockey Champions Trophy?

Q4. India’s first Justice City will come up in ______?

Q5. Who has been selected for Gleitsman Award 2018 by Harvard University?

Q6. Which country has launched the world’s first Sovereign Blue Bond to support sustainable marine and fisheries projects?

Q7. Rashtriya Ekta Diwas (National Unity Day) is observed every year to pay tribute who among the following leader?

Q8. What is India’s rank in the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Index 2019?

Q9. Which is the only Indian film to feature in BBC’s 100 best foreign language films list of the 21st century?

Q10. Who among the following has been appointed as the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka?

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