It’s very important that we know the definite trend of question being recently asked in the Mains Exam. Thus, the History Paper I & Paper II of 2015 is given here, to give you a better idea of the areas/topics more question appears in the exam.
Analyse the features of urban civilization in the harappan culture.what were the factors responsible for its decline
What were srenis under mauryan administration.Assess their role in the development of mauryan economy
“review samudragupta military what extent did he succeed in the extension of gupta political sway in india”
bring out the salient features of Harshavardhana s administration.What was his contribution to the changing agrarian economy
“Examine the market regulation of Alauddin khalji.To what extend did it strengthen the economy under the khalji rule”
Discuss Akbar s religious policy.Was it borne out of political consideration or was it inspired by higher motives
In what ways were Aurangzeb’s Rajput policy different for that of his predeccessors.What were the consequence
Compare the teachings of kabir and nanak.What impact they have on indian society and culture
Critically examine the factors behind the introduction of subsidiary alliance system.To what extent did it contribute to british paramountcy in india
“Examine the main features of the Doctrine of Lapse.IN what way was its application by Dalhousie responsible for revolt of 1857”
Make an economic critique of colonialism.Explain dadabhai naoroji ‘s drain theory in this context
Discuss the circumstances leading to the Quit India movement.Examine its significance
write briefly on Megasthene account.What light did it throw on the administration of Chandragupta Maurya
Discuss the Cultural and trade contact of India with the outside world during the Gupta period
describe the chola village assemblies.To what extent were they democratic in nature
why did the Arabs invade sind?what was its outcome
What were chauth and sardeshmukhi? Examine their significance
Highlight the salient features of Ranjit singhs adminstration.Why did the Sikh power collapse after his death
“Briefly state the underlying motives behind the introduction of the permanent Zamindari system.What was its impact on the peasantry”
why did Gandhi take up salt tax as an issue during the civil disobedience movement?Was he able to attain his objective
Discuss the religious policy of Queen Elizabeth 1.what were the challenges that she faced in this regard
“examine the foreign policy of oliver Cromwell.Do you agree with the view that it seriously disturbed the balance of powers in europe”
Analyze the causes that led to the industrial revolution in England.What are its impact
Form an estimate of robert Walpole.Why did he eventually fall from power
what was the charist Movement.Explain the significance
Examine the causes of the French Revolution(1789).To what extent was it a challenge to the old regime of france
What was the edict of emancipation issued bt Tzar Alexander 2 in 1858.what was the result of emancipation
discuss the role of cavour in the unification of Italy.Compare his contribution to mazzing Garibaldi
Evaluate the treaty of Versailles.To what extent did it the seeds of world war 2
asses the three point programme of Sun yat sen.What impact did it have on china
Analyse the reforms iniated by Mustafa kamal.What was his major achievements
Account for the growth of Nazism in Germany.Discuss nature of the Nazi Government under Hitler
“Trace the origin of the cabinet system of government of England. how did the reform bill of 1832 clarify the base principles of the cabinet systems”
Discuss Bismarck’s policy of ‘blood and Iron ‘.to what extent was it successful
why did the United states of America enter world war 1?whta impact did it have on the course of the war
discuss the importance of the Crimean war in European History.Did it bring about an era of change
who was General Franco?trace his rise to power
Why was world war 2 described as ‘total war ‘?how did it differ from earlier war
what are the main objectives of the UNO ? What are its principal organs
write a short note on japan ‘s attack of pearl harbour.
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