Important Inventions and Discoveries – ADRE 2023 Exam Notes
General Knowledge (GK) is an important section for Assam Direct Recruitment ADRE 2023. Science and Technology is a part of GK section.
List of some of Important Inventions and Discoveries:
Invention/Discovery |
Name of the Inventor |
Year of Invention |
Automatic Calculator |
Wilhelm Schickard |
1623 |
Air Conditioner |
Willis Carrier |
1902 |
Anemometer |
Leon Battista Alberti |
1450 |
Animation |
J. Stuart Blackton |
— |
Atom Bomb |
Julius Robert Oppenheimer |
1945 |
Aspirin |
Dr. Felix Hoffman |
1899 |
Airplane |
Wilber and Orville Wright |
1903 |
Adhesive tape |
Richard G. Drew |
1923 |
Bifocal Lens |
Benjamin Franklin |
1779 |
Barometer |
Evangelista Torricelli |
1643 |
Barbed Wire |
Joseph F. Glidden |
1873 |
Blood Group |
Karl Lansdsteiner |
1900s |
Ball Point Pen |
John Loud |
— |
Bicycle Tyres |
John Boyd Dunlop |
1888 |
Pedal Driven Bicycle |
Kirkpatrick Macmillan |
1839 |
Celluloid |
Alexander Parkes |
1861 |
Chloroform |
Sir James Young Simpson |
— |
Cine Camera |
Wm. Friese-Greene |
1889 |
Circulation of blood |
William Harvey |
1628 |
Clock Mechanical |
Hsing and Ling-Tsan |
1725 |
Diesel Engine |
Rudolf Diesel |
1892 |
Centigrade Scale |
Anders Celsius |
1742 |
Chlorine |
Carl Wilhelm Scheele |
1774 |
Dynamite |
Alfred B. Nobel |
1867 |
Diesel Engine |
Rudolf Diesel |
1895 |
Electric stove/cooker |
William S. Hadaway |
1896 |
Electroscope |
William Gilbert |
1600s |
Electric Fan |
Schuyler Wheeler |
1882 |
Electric Battery |
Volta |
1800 |
Elevator |
Elisha G. Otis |
1852 |
Electric Motor (DC) |
Thomas Davenport |
1873 |
Electromagnet |
William Sturgeon |
1824 |
Fountain Pen |
Petrache Poenaru |
1827 |
Fluorine |
André-Marie Ampère |
1810 |
Gramophone |
Thomas Edison |
1878 |
Hydrogen |
Henry Cavendish |
1766 |
Helicopter |
Igor Sikorsky |
1939 |
Hovercraft |
Christopher Cockerell |
1959 |
Hot Air Balloon |
Josef & Etienne Montgolfier |
1783 |
Helium |
Jules Janssen |
1868 |
Insulin |
Sir Frederick Banting |
1923 |
Jet Engine |
Hans Von Ohain |
1936 |
Lightning Conductor |
Benjamin Franklin |
1752 |
Locomotive |
George Stephenson |
1804 |
Laser |
Theodore Maiman |
1960 |
Light Bulb |
Thomas Edison |
1854 |
Motorcycle |
Gottlieb Daimler |
1885 |
Microscope |
Zacharis Janssen |
1590 |
Microphone |
Alexander Graham Bell |
1876 |
Machine Gun |
Richard Gatling |
1861 |
Neon Lamp |
Georges Claude |
1915 |
Oxygen |
Joseph Priestley |
1774 |
Ozone |
Christian Schonbein |
1839 |
Piano |
Bartolomeo Cristofori |
1700 |
Printing Press |
Johannes Gutenberg |
1440 |
Parachute |
Louis-Sebastien Lenormand |
1783 |
Polio Vaccine |
Jonas Edward Salk |
– |
Periodic Table |
Dmitri Mendeleev |
1869 |
Penicillin |
Alexander Fleming |
1928 |
Pacemaker |
Rune Elmqvist |
1952 |
Petrol for Motor Car |
Karl Benz |
1885 |
Refrigerator |
William Cullen |
1748 |
Radium |
Marie & Pierre Curie |
1898 |
Rubber (vulcanized) |
Charles Goodyear |
1841 |
Rocket Engine |
Robert H. Goddard |
1926 |
Radio |
Guglielmo Marconi |
1894 |
Richter Scale |
Charles Richter |
1935 |
Ship (Turbine) |
Charles Parsons |
1894 |
Steam Ship |
Robert Fulton |
1807 |
Steam Boat |
Robert Fulton |
1786 |
Submarine |
Cornelis Drebbel |
1620 |
Stethoscope |
Rene Laennec |
1816 |
Saxophone |
Adolphe Sax |
1846 |
Sewing Machine |
Elias Howe |
1846 |
Steam-Powered Airship |
Henri Giffard |
1852 |
Soft Contact lenses |
Otto Wichterle |
1961 |
Synthesizer |
Dr. Robert Arthur Moog |
1964 |
Thermometer |
Galileo |
1593 |
Theory of Evolution |
Charles Darwin |
1858 |
Typewriter |
Christopher Latham Sholes |
— |
Transistors |
John Bardeen, William Shockley & Walter Brattain |
1948 |
Telephone |
Graham Bell |
1874 |
Valve. Radio |
Sir J.A Fleming |
1904 |
Vacuum Cleaner |
Hubert Cecil Booth |
1901 |
Vitamin A |
Frederick Gowland Hpokins |
1912 |
Vitamin B |
Christiaan Eijkman |
1897 |
Vitamin C |
Albert Szent-Gyorgi |
– |
Vitamin K |
Henrik Dam |
1929 |
Vitamin E |
Herbert McLean Evans & Katherine Scott Bishop |
Windshield wipers |
Mary Anderson |
1903 |
World Wide Web |
Tim Berners Lee with Robert Cailliau |
1989 |
X-ray |
Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen |
1895 |
Xerox Machine |
Chester Carlson |
1928 |